Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Am Legend

World calamity, natural, human-induced, or extraterrestrial, fantasized in a movie like such as well as The War of the Worlds, Nanking, Deep Impact, just to name a very few, makes me appreciate what a peaceful life I have now. In a movie when you stare at vampirist zombies or towering tripods, wouldn’t you feel lucky you live in your current life, however crappy that might be? In fact, that’s a natural reaction when a person faces his own mortality, and the apocalyptic fantasy of annihilation is just an extreme condition to bring out such desperation.

In many parts of the world, less fortunate people experience scarcity of resources, hostile environment, and physical endangerment on a daily basis. It’s a nightmare you can’t wake up from.

So shut up if you haven’t got an IPod for Christmas.

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