Tuesday, November 07, 2006

God In Perspective

Q1 of 2: Why would god care about us?

He's been busy. As far as we know, the universe is huge. There are millions upon millions of galaxies. All his labor's fruits. We are on a tiny dust bit called Earth. Imagining god is having fun putting his right hand toward a black hole to get a thrill of sucking feeling, or moving a bunch of galaxies away to create a reddish coloration so his neon disco party decoration is really brightened up. To him, human beings are maybe like tiny, albeit very cute, amoebas. Imagine coming home from a great day with your golden retriever in the park, you put on your bifocals and set up the microscope. "They are so cute, swimming away with their pseudopods...Oh My Self, I killed them with my bread crumbs."

Q2 of 2: How in the universe would we be able to understand god?

If you play a recording of K550 to a petri dish, imagine one amoeba says to another: "I really appreciate the distinct quality of the submediant E flat major, in the overall G minor key". The other one says "Who cares. Look, there is a piece of fibrous crap, let's swim there as fast as we can, okay?"

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