Monday, November 13, 2006

Tom Leykis

I just started listening to Tom Leykis. An interesting fella. Some of his preachings include (from the two weeks I listened):

1) Three strikes on dating: if the girl doesn't put out after the third date, DTB (dump that bitch)
2) A man should never get married nor should he move in with another woman. A man has nothing to gain in any relationship, except sex, which he should have gotten within three dates.
3) As a rich and successful man, Mr. Leykis never comprises with any woman. Zero tolerance. His way or the door.

Many women called in criticizing him for demeaning comments and immoral influences, while young men called in worshipping him as "a father they never had".

Is Tom Leykis bad?

Mr. Leykis' preachings come from his own experiences. Despite what he says or does, namely treating women no more than sex objects, he finds no trouble getting young and pretty girls into his bed. As a matter of fact, there is probably a long queue outside his door beating each other up trying to get in. So given Mr. Leykis' social and financial status, what he says or thinks is irrelevant. So it's quite a fair trade. Mr. Leykis looks only at faces, boobs, and asses, and his female counterpart looks only at cars, boats, and penthouses. She may be at a slight disadvantage under certain zero tolerance rule, but "sleeping with Leykis" could be a big plus on her resume to land in an even bigger name. So really it's a win-win situation for both of them, and we should be happy for them.

The society is never short of either kind. Such codependency works. Mr. Leykis won't be on the air bragging if there are no girls throwing themselves at the rich and famous. Conversely, without those "free spirited" girls, guys who practice Mr. Leykis' philosophy will soon run out of dates and have to rethink their strategy.

Well, is Tom Leykis bad? Like everything else in this universe, Mr. Leykis exists for a reason. If he got reasons to exist, he can't be too bad after all.

(btw, he is doing much better than just existing...)

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